In Uttar Pradesh’s Aligarh, several Dalit Hindu families are forced to sell their houses due to alleged harassment by local Muslims. In the Dawoodpur Kota village under Thana Jawan area, some Dalit Hindu families have put up posters outside their houses with text “Dalit Samaj ke makaan bikau hain, Musalmano se pareshan karne par Dawoodpur Kota Aligah se palayan karne …
Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad in response to a question in Rajya Sabha said that Dalit converting to Islam or Christianity cannot claim reservation benefits and it will also deprive the person the eligibility to contest parliamentary or Assembly election from constituencies reserved for Scheduled Castes. Prasad added that Para 3 of the Constitution Order outlines that no person who …
In the 1990s, when Hindutva forces launched the Ram Janmabhoomi movement, Kanshi Ram, the founder of the Dalit-Bahujan movement and the Bahujan Samaj Party, invoked subaltern myths and icons to counter it. In short, while in the 1990s Kanshi Ram successfully countered the Lord Ram-centred Hindutva narrative, now Ms. Mayawati’s effort to invoke Lord Parshuram may blur the effort of …
Manoranjan Byapari is the first Dalit writer of Bengal, whose book Interrogating My Chandal Life — An Autobiography of a Dalit, won The Hindu Prize 2018 in the non-fiction category, an award he shared with his translator, Sipra Mukherjee, Professor of English in West Bengal State University. His is an unusual life story of a convict turned rickshaw-wala turned cook …
At least 48 members belonging to Pakistan’s Hindu community have announced their candidature from various seats, most of them from Sindh, the province where most of the country’s Hindu population is concentrated in Pakistan’s Hindu minority, numbering less than two percent of the country’s population, can at least dream of political representation. At least 48 members belonging to scheduled castes …