CHANDIGARH: As directed by the Supreme Court two days ago, representatives from the Union and Punjab governments met fasting farmer leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal at the Khanauri border, located between Punjab and Haryana. Director in the Ministry of Home Affairs Mayank Mishra and Punjab Director-General of Police Gaurav Yadav visited the 70-year-old leader, whose fast unto death entered its 20th …
Farmers Protest: A group of 101 farmers under the banner of Samyukta Kisan Morcha and Kisan Mazdoor Morcha will march on foot towards Delhi on Saturday, 14th December, from the Shambhu border in Punjab. Our fight is for justice, and if sacrifices are needed, we are ready.” The planned march comes as Punjab farmer leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal’s fast-unto-death entered …
The farmers' march to Delhi has been put on hold till February 29, but the agitation continues as unions on Sunday organised seminars at the Khanauri and Shambhu borders connecting Punjab and Haryana to discuss the policies of the World Trade Organisation. The President of Bharti Kisan Union Ekta Sidhupur, Jagajit Singh Dallewal, told India Today TV on Sunday that …