A series of recent statements from deputy chief minister Ajit Pawar has taken everyone by surprise. He felt that prime minister Narendra Modi calling Pawar ‘Bhatakti Atma’ during the Lok Sabha campaign did not go down well with the people since Pawar is a respected figure in Maharashtra. Mumbai, India - July 5, 2023: Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister and NCP …
“Ajit Pawar and 7 NCP MLAs have gone not reachable,” reported some of the media houses on April 10 and suddenly the episode of CM Eknath Shinde leaving Shivsena backed by Congress to form a new Shivsena backed by BJP flashed. Anjali Damania tweets ‘Pawar might join BJP’ ‘Activist’ and politician Anjali Damania claimed on Wednesday that Ajit Pawar might …
A PIL has been moved before the Bombay High Court seeking directions qua black marketing, hoarding and profiteering of N95 masks in Maharashtra as well as to ensure sufficient availability of surgical masks and other masks at fair prices.The plea has been filed by Sucheta Dalal, a business journalist and Anjali Damania, an anti-corruption activist and states that even though …