Hyderabad: Congress Secunderabad candidate Danam Nagender conducted a padayatra in Nandinagar in the Khairatabad Assembly segment on Saturday in which local party leaders and workers and people in large numbers took part. He slammed his rival G. Kishan Reddy, TS BJP president and Union minister, accusing him of being inaccessible to the people after getting elected as Secunderabad MP five …
Hyderabad: Congress candidate for Secunderabad Lok Sabha constituency Danam Nagender said that there was a huge anti-incumbency against the BJP for the May 13 elections, as TS BJP chief and Union minister G. Kishan Reddy had failed to do anything for the constituency after getting elected as Secunderabad MP five years ago. Nagender said that people were angry with the …
Hyderabad: Congress Secunderabad candidate Danam Nagender on Friday undertook a hectic campaign in Manikeshwarinagar near the Osmania University campus in the constituency. Addressing street corner meetings, Nagender said only the Congress could ensure the welfare of all sections of people and take up development of the Secunderabad constituency, which was neglected by the BRS and the BJP for the past …