Indian policymakers last year launched the praiseworthy effort to develop a cross-sector data protection law. India’s February 2019 draft e-commerce policy, which sought to address “community data,” vividly exemplified these concerns. Even the aforementioned new consultation on the data protection bill demonstrates the challenge of aptly defining and regulating “non-personal data.” It identifies “e-commerce data” as a type of “non-personal …
The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade released a new draft National E-commerce Policy for stakeholder comments on 23 February 2019. The Policy takes forward key proposals of the draft Personal Data Protection Bill, 2018, in particular by advocating the ‘nationalisation’ of data, including through imposing data localization requirements. Lastly, certain types of data are exempted from these …
New Delhi: A national regulator for e-commerce, mandatory data localization and tax sops for data centres are part of an upcoming legislation governing all aspects of electronic commerce in the country, the draft of a national policy showed. While the draft e-commerce policy has strongly recommended data localization, it has suggested a two-year sunset period for the industry to adjust …