Actor Priyanka Chopra posted numerous pictures of her and Malti Marie in her latest Instagram dump. Priyanka Chopra posted numerous pictures of her and Malti Marie on Instagram. Priyanka Chopra’s latest pictures Priyanka posted some pictures of herself, showing off her makeup, pelvic bones and a timelapse video of her in the makeup chair. Nick Jonas hangs out with Madhu …
The Novel coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc across the world. An emotional video of a three-year-old daughter crying outside a hospital for her mother, to return home, which left the mother teary-eyed too, went viral on social media, Wednesday. 15 दीनो से घर नहीं जा सकी नर्स,मासूम बेटी ने छोड़ा भोजन मिलाने पहुँचा पिता लेकिन दूर से ही अपनी बेटी …