On June 14, last year, the nation went into a shock when the news of Sushant Singh Rajput's death surfaced online. While many know him as Manav Deshmukh from Pavitra Rishta, the late actor had actually entered the showbiz with Ekta Kapoor's Kis Desh Mein Hain Meraa Dil in 2008. SUSHANT SINGH RAJPUT IN KIS DESH MEIN HAIN MERAA DIL …
Sushant Singh Rajput's successful transition from being a television to a movie star encouraged many actors to dream big. Harshad Chopda and Sushant Singh Rajput in a still from Kis Desh Mein Hai Meraa Dil. Sushant Singh Rajput with Deepak Qazir in a still from Kis Desh Mein Hai Meraa Dil. Sushant Singh Rajput and Meher Vij in a still …
Sushant Singh Rajput, who was found dead at his Mumbai home on Sunday afternoon, reportedly made his last call to his close friend, Mahesh Shetty. Sushant Singh Rajput worked with Mahesh Shetty in both his shows -- Kis Desh Mein Hai Mera Dil and Pavitra Rishta. Mahesh worked with Sushant in the shows Kis Desh Mein Hai Mera Dil, which …