Bengaluru: Bengaluru police on Friday detained members of pro-Kannada organisations protesting over the Cauvery river water dispute near Attibele in Karnataka. Farmer unions and pro-Kannada organisations have called for a Karnataka Bandh today after the Cauvery Regulatory Committee ordered to release of 3000 cusecs of water to Tamil Nadu. Amid a row over Cauvery River water sharing raging between Tamil …
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Iran on Saturday celebrated the 44th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution amid nationwide anti-government protests and heightened tensions with the West. The remarks prompted the crowd to chant “Death to the U.S.” Meanwhile, Telewebion, a web TV service affiliated with Iranian state TV, was briefly hacked during Raisi’s speech, Iranian media reported. Last week, …
BRUSSELS — Belgium is urging its nationals to leave Iran, warning that they face the risk of arbitrary arrest or unfair trial, after a detained aid worker was reportedly sentenced to 28 years in prison there last week. Security forces have violently cracked down on the protests, killing more than 500 protesters and arresting over 18,000, according to Human Rights …
The IOM says overcrowding at a detention centre in Tripoli had led to chaos. Guards at a Libyan detention centre have shot dead six migrants, the United Nations agency for migration said, amid an ongoing violent crackdown against refugees and asylum seekers. The International Organization for Migration on Friday said overcrowding at the Ghot Shaal detention centre in Tripoli had …