The Central Bureau of Investigation has sought permission from the Chief Judicial Magistrate court of Prayagraj to conduct a polygraph test on the three accused in the alleged suicide case of Akhil Bhartiya Akhara Parishad President Mahant Narendra Giri. Accused Anand Giri, Adhya Prasad Tiwari and Sandeep Tiwari who are currently in judicial custody till October 18 are lodged in …
Latest Bollywood News October 14: Bollywood is seeing a lot for a while. For latest Bollywood news October 14, follow the space below: Priyanka Chopra, Farhan Akhtar and Zaira Wasim start London schedule of The Sky Is Pink Priyanka Chopra along with the rest of the cast of The Sky Is Pink, kickstarted the London schedule of the film on …
Four days ago, on October 10, Tanushree Dutta had registered an FIR against actor Nana Patekar, choreographer Ganesh Acharya, producer Samee Siddiqui and director Rakesh Sarang for outraging her modesty during the filming of Horn OK Pleassss in 2008. Now, Tanushree has sent a letter to the Oshiwara police station, asking for the accused to be arrested and a few …
Tanushree Dutta has filed a fresh complaint with the Oshiwara police station for conducting narco analysis, brain mapping and lie detector test of accused Nana Patekar, Ganesh Acharya, Rakesh Sarang and Samee Siddiqui. Therefore, all the accused should be immediately arrested, after which narco analysis, brain mapping and lie detector test can be done. Therefore, for fair investigations, narco analysis, …