Actor Jr NTR was recently spotted enjoying the festive spirit at a Christmas market in Edinburgh, Scotland. Fans shared additional videos of NTR, accompanied by his wife Lakshmi Pranathi and sons Abhay Ram and Bhargav Ram, as they explored the market, visited stalls, and even joined in on fun rides at London’s Hyde Park Winter Wonderland. Meanwhile, Jr NTR’s Devara …
Jr NTR’s Devara Part 1 is set for its highly anticipated release in Japan on March 28, 2025. Here's the post: As per reports, Japan ticket sales for Devara Part 1 will open on January 3, 2025. Here's the post: He kept his promise and bringing #DEVARA to his own JAPAN, on March 28th 2025z ðïðµâäï¸ — appie ð …
Actor Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao Jr also known as Jr NTR or Tarak, was vacationing in Japan with his family for the past week when series of powerful earthquakes measuring as high as 7.6 magnitude struck Japan on New Year. Jr NTR is among one of the highest paid Telugu film actors and is famously known for his role in …
Jr NTR has confirmed that he has just returned from Japan and has expressed his shock over the country being hit by an earthquake around the same time. Jr NTR tweeted on Monday, "Back home today from Japan and deeply shocked by the earthquakes hitting. One of his Japanese fan pages tweeted, “A very serious thing happened, but Japanese people, …