The Northern Territory's environment department is investigating vegetation dieback on Groote Eylandt believed to have been caused by the dewatering of mining pits on the island. "Using drone technology, we recently detected localised impacts to vegetation in the relevant area where water had recently been discharged," the spokesperson said. A Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security spokesperson said it …
That India’s wetlands face a daily challenge of survival is well documented. Earlier this week, the Union environment ministry directed Uttar Pradesh to stop further draining of the Haiderpur wetland and ensure the dewatering, done under pressure from local farmers, is carried out only when migratory birds are not nesting there. Despite being a Ramsar site of international importance, the …
The Queensland environment department has launched an investigation into a series of groundwater bores drilled by Indian miner Adani, which conservationists say were sunk without approval. Key points: Adani told the ABC it was abiding by the conditions of the Carmichael project's approvals Conservationists have repeatedly warned that the company's dewatering plans would see groundwater levels plummet The Queensland Environmental …