Akshay Kumar was among the first celebrities to have undertaken the Sui Dhaaga challenge The makers of Sui Dhaaga are leaving no stone unturned to promote their upcoming Yash Raj Films’ production. Before Rajkummar Rao and Rakhi Sawant, a host of other celebrities participated in the Sui Dhaaga challenge, from Shah Rukh Khan, Janhvi Kapoor to Karan Johar. pic.twitter.com/Nc1xb3Jlx6 — …
If you haven’t seen a video of a Bollywood celebrity doing the Sui Dhaaga challenge, then you probably you are not on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. Anushka Sharma and Varun Dhawan’s Sui Dhaaga challenge is everywhere. Many famous faces, including actors Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, Akshay Kumar and filmmaker Karan Johar, have shared creative and entertaining videos of them attempting …
Varun Dhawan and Anushka Sharma are currently promoting their film Sui Dhaaga, with help from their friends in the industry. The Sui Dhaaga challenge video sees Varun explain how the first one among Alia Bhatt and Aditya Roy Kapoor to thread a needle in 10 seconds wins the task. Alia Bhatt and Aditya Roy Kapoor took up the Sui Dhaaga …