Varun Dhawan and Anushka Sharma, stars of the upcoming Sui Dhaaga, have shared a new song from the film, titled Sab Badhiya Hai. Varun Dhawan just wants to dance in the new Sui Dhaaga song Sab Badhiya Hai. Sab Badhiya Hai is a peppy number whose video features Varun dancing in different settings, repeating the words ‘sab badhiya hai ”. …
After Anushka Sharma’s transformation into Mamta, the makers of Sui Dhaaga have released a new video depicting the process of Varun Dhawan ’s metamorphosis into his character Mauji. Costume designer Darshan Jalan revealed that to achieve the authentic look of a lower income group tailor belonging to the Indian heartland, he was heavily inspired by the in-house tailor of the …
Directed by Dum Laga Ke Haisha director Sharat Katariya, Sui Dhaaga takes forward the message of Made in India in its pursuit to bring back traditional forms of weaving. A one-minute-long video released by the makers of Sui Dhaaga: Made in India shows Anushka Sharma transforming herself into her character Mamta. Speaking about how he studied rural housewives to finalise …
Sui Dhaaga - Made In India memes starring Anushka Sharma and Varun Dhawan have been blessing Instagram and Twitter timelines. Some of the new Sui Dhaaga memes are particularly funny or clever, involving a confused-looking Anushka juxtaposed in the most odd of places and situations. Anushka Sharma’s Sui Dhaaga memes are great for, well, when you’re too stressed for words. …
Bollywood actors Varun Dhawan and Anushka Sharma share a great camaraderie and the latest picture from the sets of their upcoming film, Sui Dhaaga, is proof enough. Anushka Sharma and Varun Dhawan play a middle class couple in Sui Dhaaga. Shared by photographer Manav Mangalani on Instagram, the photo shows Varun and Anushka eating corn on a rainy day. Sui …