Chandigarh: The Sonipat district administration has launched a massive contact-tracing drive after 75 workers at two popular eateries in Murthal tested positive for COVID-19, officials said on Friday. Sonipat’s Deputy Commissioner Shyam Lal Punia said sampling work has been initiated at other eateries also. Sixty-five workers at Amrik-Sukhdev dhaba and 10 at Garam Dharam dhaba had tested positive for coronavirus …
All the 65 staffers are asymptomatic and have been home quarantined. Amrik-Sukhdev, Haryana's famous dhaba was sealed on Thursday after 65 of its staff members tested positive for COVID-19. According to a senior official, a total of two dhabas at Haryana's Murthal were sealed after as many as 75 members of the staff had tested positive for the novel coronavirus. …
Sixty-five staffers of the famous Sukhdev Dhaba in Haryana's Murthal have tested positive for coronavirus. The Amrik Sukhdev Dhaba in Murthal, set along the highway that connects Delhi with Haryana, Punjab and beyond, is a favourite halt point for travellers and is one among many eateries on that stretch that see a heavy footfall each day, especially of people from …