New Delhi: 'Bigg Boss 17' is getting better TRPs day by day. The contestants vying to win the grand prize include Ankita Lokhande, Vicky Jain, Neil Bhatt, Isha Malviya, Mannara Chopra, Khanzaadi, and more. Salman said, "This time, Bigg Boss will play the game with the contestants their way." Navid Sole, Neil Bhatt, Aishwarya Sharma, Abhishek Kumar, Isha Malviya, Rinku …
New Delhi: 'Bigg Boss 17' is the most talked-about reality show on Indian TV at the moment The contestants vying to win the grand prize include Ankita Lokhande, Vicky Jain, Neil Bhatt, Isha Malviya, Mannara Chopra, Khanzaadi, and more. For the 17th season of the show, Salman said, "This time, Bigg Boss will play the game with the contestants their …
New Delhi: The television reality show Bigg Boss is back for another season with 'Bigg Boss 17.' For this season, the mystical world of 'Bigg Boss' is split into three makaans - 'Makaan no 1 - Dil', 'Makaan no 2 - Dimaag', and 'Makaan no 3 - Dum'. Despite the show's new format, Salman Khan is back as host, and …
New Delhi: The television reality show Bigg Boss is back for another season with 'Bigg Boss 17.' For this season, the mystical world of 'Bigg Boss' is split into three makaans - 'Makaan no 1 - Dil', 'Makaan no 2 - Dimaag', and 'Makaan no 3 - Dum'. All these three elements will be elevated to an entirely new level …