After the AIADMK ended its alliance with BJP and NDA, Karnataka Minister and Congress leader Dinesh Gundu Rao on Tuesday predicted that Bharatiya Janata Party will finish off Janata Dal-Secular. They do not know the danger but BJP will finish off JDS, that's what my prediction is," Dinesh Gundu Rao said. In today's meeting, this resolution was passed unanimously that …
Days after the Congress party swept the Karnataka Assembly elections 2023, the new Siddaramaiah-led state government's list of portfolios for ministers was released today. CM Siddaramaiah has kept key ministries including Finance, Cabinet Affairs, and Intelligence in the newly-formed Karnataka government, while his deputy DK Shivakumar will oversee Major and Medium Irrigation and Bengaluru City Development. Full list of Karnataka …
Former Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee president Dinesh Gundu Rao was elected to the Karnataka Legislative Assembly for five terms consecutively from Gandhinagar constituency in Bengaluru. The former Minister says that lack of planning, corruption, collapse of civic institutions during BJP rule led to infrastructure bottlenecks in India’s IT hub which has 28 segments. Bengaluru’s governance is very much based on …