Karnataka Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao assured the public that the human metapneumovirus is an existing flu virus causing respiratory issues and is not a cause for panic, adding that the child exhibiting HMPV symptoms is stable and will be discharged soon, with no history of international travel. Karnataka Health and family welfare minister Dinesh Gundu Rao said a few …
Udupi: Health and Family Welfare Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao said that in response to the state's request, the Indian Council of Medical Research has agreed to develop a new vaccine for Kyasanur Forest Disease, commonly known as Monkey Fever. With an increasing number of Monkey Fever cases reported in Karnataka over the past few months, Dinesh Gundu Rao convened a …
Congress on Sunday demanded the resignation of Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa over allegations levelled against him by Dr M Sudheendra Rao. Addressing a press conference in Delhi, Congress leaders Dinesh Gundu Rao and Gourav Vallabh claimed that several allegations of bribery are out in the open against CM Yediyurappa and his family members. The Congress leaders also released purported …