Government-owned National Aluminium Company share price slipped on Friday after DIPAM secretary Tuhin Kanta Pandey said the Centre has no divestment agenda for the company. In Budget 2023, the government pegged a much lower disinvestment target of ₹51,000 crore for the fiscal year FY24. In Budget 2023, while setting a much lower disinvestment target of ₹51,000 crore for FY24, the …
The government has received multiple preliminary bids for strategic sale of Pawan Hans, DIPAM Secretary Tuhin Kanta Pandey said on Thursday. Thursday was the last date for putting bids for Pawan Hans, in which government owns 51 per cent stake while Oil and Natural Gas Corp holds the remaining 49 per cent. After multiple failed attempts, the Department of Investment …
The government will provide guidance on employee protection, asset stripping and business continuity in Bharat Petroleum Corp Ltd to potential acquirers of the company only at a later stage of bidding, according to privatisation rules issued by the disinvestment department. On a query on restrictions relating to employee protection, asset stripping, business continuity and lock-in of shares, DIPAM said, “This …
New Delhi: In the second major bureaucratic reshuffle since Prime Minister Narendra Modi came back to power in May, Department of Investment and Public Asset Management secretary Anil Kumar Khachi has been repatriated back to his parent cadre “on personal ground with immediate effect”. Khachi, a 1986-batch Himachal Pradesh IAS officer, was appointed DIPAM secretary in July this year. Tuhin …