In our modern society, stress has become a pervasive and concerning issue that affects individuals from all walks of life. This article delves into the intricate connection between stress and eating disorders, exploring how stressors can trigger disordered eating patterns and harmful behaviours. By understanding this complex relationship, we can better comprehend the risks, signs, and potential interventions necessary to …
The COVID-19 pandemic has been associated with worsening mental health among teens, including increasing numbers of patients with eating disorders. This is particularly concerning given that eating disorders are among the most deadly of all mental health diagnoses and teens with eating disorders are at higher risk for suicide than the general population. Warning signs Given how common disordered eating …
New childhood obesity guidance raises worries over the risk of eating disorders Enlarge this image toggle caption Natalie Board/Getty Images/EyeEm Natalie Board/Getty Images/EyeEm Eating disorder treatment specialists are sounding the alarm over new guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics advising doctors to treat obesity earlier and more aggressively, which they say could lead to eating disorders. "We run the …
Peter Dazeley Academic studies can be fascinating. While this demographic accounts for less than 5 percent of eating disorder cases overall, the uptick in childhood eating disorders, particularly among young girls, is cause for concern for both parents and researchers searching for what might be driving kids to such unhealthy extremes. In a new study, researchers from the University of …