Indian shooting touched new highs in 2024 with an unprecedented three medals coming from the Olympics. Raiza Dhillon, Anantjeet Singh secure Paris 2024 Olympic quotas in shooting Indian skeet shooters rose to the challenge as Anant Jeet Singh Naruka and Raiza Dhillon bagged the men’s and women’s Olympic quota with silver medals in the Asian shotgun championship in Kuwait. FEBRUARY …
Days after the foreign coach of the Indian trap shooting team, Marcelli Dradi, left the country with the marksmen still in their final phase of their preparation for the Asian Games, the Italian expert arrived in Osijek and was seen wearing a Spanish team jersey, congratulating its the junior side for winning a silver medal on Thursday. Dradi, who has …
The Sports Authority of India will do an “inquiry” into why the foreign coach for trap shooting, Marcello Dradi, left the country even as the shooters were going through their final training drills before leaving for the Asian Games in Hangzhou. NRAI secretary Rajiv Bhatia too confirmed that Dradi had left India on Friday.The shotgun team will be without both …
India’s two foreign coaches in shotgun, Marcello Dradi and Ennio Falco from Italy, are highly unlikely to accompany the Indian shooting contingent to the Asian Games due to accreditation and contractual technicalities. Trap coach Dradi and skeet expert Falco were appointed India’s shotgun coaches following the National Rifle Association of India’s fallout with Australia’s Russell and Lauryn Mark, who quit …