Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has expressed his deep disappointment over Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 'empty' promises and the 40% commission corruption within the BJP Karnataka unit. He claims that the party has failed to fulfill its promises to the state, leaving Karnataka to suffer under a heavy debt burden. Modi, on the other hand, has defended his policies and highlighted …
A war of words erupted between Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel and former CM Raman Singh after a Chhattisgarh government officer drained out 21 lakh litres of water from a reservoir after his mobile phone fell into it in Kanker district. Taking to Twitter, Raman Singh lashed out at the "dictatorship" of Bhupesh Baghel-led government. Responding to Raman Singh's attack, Chief …
A family accused of trying to kill a young Muslim woman in "an attempted honour killing" in Adelaide's north put tracking apps on her phone, broke into her boyfriend's house and drained her bank account while she was recovering in intensive care, a court has heard. Key points: Five members of the woman's family have been charged with attempted murder …