Rajesh Kumar Vishwas, the food inspector who hit international headlines for draining an irrigation reservoir in Kanker in Chhattisgarh to retrieve a phone he dropped into the tank while trying to take a selfie during a picnic with his friends, was slapped with a fine of ₹53,092 by the state’s irrigation department. On May 21, Vishwas’s mobile fell into the …
It is an ironic problem to be faced with when trying to stop towns from running out of water — partially draining one of New South Wales' largest dams as part of its proposed expansion. Key points: Wyangala Dam's capacity is proposed to be increased by 53 per cent Water experts say its volume will have to be reduced by …
The coronavirus crisis will just about drain Amsterdam's financial reserves by the end of this year, finance alderman Victor Everhardt said in the Spring Letter for 2020. The financial consequences of the pandemic in Amsterdam are expected to amount to 260 million euros this year. "Should the deficit amount to the estimate, this means that the General Reserve position is …