PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Settlements with drug manufacturers Teva and Allergan announced Monday by Rhode Island Attorney General Peter Neronha mark an end to the state’s principal opioid litigation, bringing the total received by the state from a series of cash settlements to nearly $190 million. Under the deal, Teva and Allergan have agreed to deliver $28.5 million and a million …
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2020年全国科技活动周8月23日在北京启动,湖北武汉设分会场。今年的全国科技活动周将重点展示科技抗疫成果。 The 20th National Science and Technology Week kicked off in Beijing on August 23. With a parallel venue in Wuhan, Hubei province, the National Science and Technology Week this year will focus on achievements in fighting the COVID-19 epidemic with science and technology. 8月23日,在长春中医药大学内,小朋友在吉林省科技活动周现场参观“人工智能机器狗”。(图片来源:新华社) 【知识点】 今年是科技活动周举办20周年。今年全国科技活动周的主题为“科技战疫创新强国”,活动将以科技战“疫”为重点,展示科学技术对战胜疫情的重要支撑作用和系列成果。 自2001年首次举办以来,全国科技活动周已成为公众参与度最高、覆盖面最广、社会影响力最大的科普品牌活动。今年全国科技活动周首次推出“云展厅”,借助VR、5G等技术,集中展示我国科技战“疫”、创新成就、科技惠民、脱贫攻坚等方面内容,让公众足不出户也能身临其境感受科技魅力。未来一周,全国还将开展包括“科学之夜”“科普援藏”“科技列车怀化行”“科研机构、大学向社会开放活动”“全国科普讲解大赛”等10余项重大示范活动。 【重要讲话】 人类同疾病较量最有力的武器就是科学技术,人类战胜大灾大疫离不开科学发展和技术创新。 Science and technology are the most powerful weapon in humanity's …
Demonstrators hold pictures of loved ones lost to opioids during a protest at Purdue Pharma’s headquarters in Stamford, Conn., last year. Brand-name opioid makers Designed, manufactured and marketed prescription opioid drugs Purdue Pharma Inc., Johnson & Johnson and Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Endo Pharmaceuticals, Allergan, Mallinckrodt Generic opioid makers Manufactured cheaper “copycat” opioid medications after the exclusivity rights of brand-name manufacturers expired …
WASHINGTON As President Donald Trump announced that the opioid epidemic is a public health emergency, Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken called on Trump to allow the government to negotiate lower prices for an opioid overdose reversal drug. In a letter signed by other Democratic senators, they said that access to the drug naloxone is particularly important given the size …