The Bombay High Court on Thursday reserved its order on a plea seeking stringent guidelines to combat ticket scalping and black marketing of online tickets for major events. The plea was filed by Amit Vyas, a founder-partner of a law firm, amid growing concerns over black marketing of tickets exacerbated by technological advancements. The plea also sought the court's direction …
The Bombay High Court has accepted the Maharashtra Government's statement on Thursday that they have not yet made a final decision about building a theme park or renewing the lease of the turf club on the 221-acre Mahalaxmi Racecourse. A division bench comprising Justices GS Patel and Kamal Khata refused to immediately interfere with the Chief Minister's statement dated December …
MUMBAI: On the penultimate day of the final hearing in the Syedna succession case, Janak Dwarkadas, counsel for defendant Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin, refuted the allegations of a conspiracy by the original plaintiff’s brothers and nephews to keep him away from succeeding the 52nd Dai. ‘Refutation of nass on defendant not proved by plaintiffs’ The counsel submitted that the original plaintiff …
For most people, politician Narendra Modi is on a mission to finish off the Congress, the oldest political party in the country. But there was a time when Narendra Modi worked as a volunteer -- a child volunteer -- for Congress events in Vadnagar. In the book, the Man of the Moment: Narendra Modi, Modi's biographers MV Kamath and Kalindi …