A local court in Madhya Pradesh has awarded the death sentence to a 24-year-old woman for attacking her mother-in-law with an iron pan and then striking her with a sickle ninety times, killing her instantly, in 2022. Rewa’s additional district and sessions judge Padma Jatav convicted Kanchan Kol, a resident of Atraila village in the district, for killing her 51-year-old …
Protein is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy body. While the recommended daily intake of protein for women may vary based on factors such as age, activity level, and overall health, there are general guidelines that can help women determine how much protein they should consume in their daily diet. It can vary depending …
‘Stress,’ the word as we use it today, was coined by Dr Hans Selye, a Canadian physician who was nominated for a Nobel Prize for his work. For doctors, it's extremely important to be able to see this because chronically, it is very, very important to be able to prevent what is called Lifestyle Disorders.” Bringing his expertise to the …
Journalism is all about communication and intention. We come across the life of one such exemplary journalist, Dr. Himanshu Dwivedi who is the Editor in Chief Of Haribhoomi, a daily Hindi newspaper published in North and Central India. Dr Himanshu Dwivedi Established on 5 September 1996 as a weekly Hindi language newspaper, today Haribhoomi is one of the leading daily …