The BJP on Tuesday announced the name of Manan Kumar Mishra, a senior advocate in the Supreme Court and chairman of the Bar Council of India, as the second Rajya Sabha candidate of the NDA from Bihar. Bar Council of India chairman Manan Kumar Mishra The name of former Union minister Upendra Kushwaha had already been announced earlier as the …
The ex-gratia amount will be paid to the dependents in case of death or injury to anyone in train accidents. According to a circular issued by the Railway Board on September 18, this amount has been revised upwards to Rs five lakh, for train accidents and accidents at manned level crossings. The circular from the Railways also states that an …
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman today announced that the central government has decided to change the definition of MSMEs. Announcing this in her press conference, Nirmala Sitharaman said this change is in "favour of the MSMEs". Explaining the new definition, Nirmala Sitharaman said the government has decided to remove the difference between the definition of manufacturing-based MSMEs and service-based MSMEs. The …