英语大破解 Storm-orphaned seals 救助在风暴中失去母亲的小海豹 本集内容 Storm-orphaned seals 救助在风暴中失去母亲的小海豹 文字稿 Not the most elegant way to have breakfast, but the sort of fish soup in a syringe is keeping these grey seal pups alive. 周末,这股风暴席卷了英国的大片地区。海豹妈妈和小海豹因汹涌的浪潮而失散。 Evangelos Achilleos, East Winch Wildlife Centre Manager The mother’s milk is substantial, it’s all they have and it takes three weeks of them to wean. 虽然它们看起来很可爱,但也很有个性。 …