The controversial reality TV show Bigg Boss 18 welcomed three new wildcard contestants recently - Edin Rose, Aditi Mistry and Yamini Malhotra. On their first day, tension arose as Edin and Avinash Mishra engaged in a heated verbal exchange, openly expressing their animosity towards each other. Edin Rose, who entered the house with a preconceived notion of Avinash, didn't mince …
Following the entries of Digvijay Rathee and Kashish Kapoor, Bigg Boss 18 is set for more entertainment with three wildcard contestants. The makers shared a new promo video and introduced the new wildcards: Edin Rose, Yamini Malhotra, and Aditi Mistry. Watch the video here: The three wildcard contestants made a fiery entry into the madhouse, setting the stage ablaze. A …