The Equestrian Federation of India has unanimously decided to suspend six individuals, including four riders, for two years after an inquiry committee found them guilty of an impersonation scam to represent the Nepal team at the Tent Pegging World Cup Qualifiers held in March last year. Besides, the EFI also issued warning notices to Dfr Dinesh GK, Asst PO Mohit …
The third round of trials for selecting the Indian equestrian team for the 19th Asian Games will be held here from January 12-16 at the Amateur Riders Club at Mahalakshmi racecourse, here. Organised by the Equestrian Federation of India, athletes from across Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata along with host city Mumbai, will be taking part in the trials which will …
The Indian Olympic Association seems to have finally taken note of the Equestrian Federation of India’s blatant disregard for government guidelines in its forthcoming elections to the Executive Committee scheduled for Sept. 29. In a communique to the EFI president Lt. Gen. R. Gopal, IOA secretary general Rajeev Mehta has categorically expressed disagreement to the federation going ahead with elections, …
The Indian Olympic Association seems to have finally taken note of the EFI’s blatant disregard for government guidelines in its forthcoming elections to the Executive Committee scheduled for September 29. In a communique to the Equestrian Federation of India president Lt. Gen. R. Gopal, IOA secretary general Rajeev Mehta has categorically expressed its disagreement to the federation going ahead with …