Slice-of-life comedy film Sharmajee Ki Beti will have its exclusive global premiere on Prime Video, the streamer announced on Monday. "Through the multi-generational lens of three middle-class women and two teenage girls– all sharing the common surname 'Sharma', the film delves into their unique experiences and struggles," according to the official synopsis. Manish Menghani, Director of Content Licensing at Prime …
Taapsee Pannu on Tuesday took to social media to announce her upcoming film Looop Lapeta. Stoked to announce Sony Picture India and Ellipsis Entertainment's crazy thriller-comedy, LOOOP LAPETA, an adaptation of the cult classic Run Lola Run. He wrote, "Stoked to announce my next - Sony Pictures India & Ellipsis Entertainment's LOOOP LAPETA, a crazy thriller-comedy with the incredible @taapsee! …