Tensions between TOWIE cast members are reportedly at fever pitch. Suspended member Chloe Brockett is said to be 'seething' to see her ex friends Ella Rae-Wise and Harry Derbidge and pal Elma Pazar partying with her now ex pals Chloe Meadows and Amber Turner earlier this week. Chloe was suspended from TOWIE after she allegedly threw three tumbler glasses at …
TOWIE stars Elma Pazar and Chloe Brockett slipped into their bikinis as they filmed latest scenes for the ITVBe reality show in Essex on Tuesday. On last week's episode James Lock reacted for the first time to ex-girlfriend Yazmin Oukhellou's car crash that killed her former partner Jake McLean – revealing he regretted 'blanking' her last text before the accident. …