The IMA on Saturday sought Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ”benign intervention” to bring a central law to check violence against healthcare personnel and declare hospitals as safe zones with mandatory security entitlements. ”The 36-hour shift that the victim was in and the lack of safe spaces to rest and adequate restrooms warrant thorough overhaul of the working and living conditions …
The Indian state is the antithesis of what any state should do. Instead of investing in strengthening public goods and services, the state games electoral politics by giving away private entitlements. This shift from public goods to unequal private entitlements has been the modus operandi of the bloated and costly Indian state, post-liberalization. This is a government that prevents private …
Sometimes I wonder what the world would be like if men, not women, were bearing and delivering babies. Maternity benefits, of course, are reasonably generous for a small minority of Indian women employed in the formal sector and covered, in principle at least, under the Maternity Benefit Act. Under the National Food Security Act, 2013, all pregnant women are entitled …