India will reportedly cross a milestone of 33 crore 5G users by 2026, according to Ericsson Mobility’s new report. Among the key points, Ericsson Mobility states that over a quarter of India’s entire telecom subscriber base would have adopted 5G connectivity by 2026, and up to 4 crore users would have adopted 5G within one year of rollout of the …
5G has been a hot topic of discussion this year, with telecom giants Jio and Airtel announcing the plans for 5G in India, awaiting the spectrum auction slated for March 2021 and government approvals. According to Qualcomm, "5G wireless technology is meant to deliver higher multi-Gbps peak data speeds, ultra-low latency, more reliability, massive network capacity, increased availability, and a …
Swedish telecom giant Ericsson has said that more than one billion people around the world will have 5G coverage by the end of this year. This, according to Ericsson, makes 5G the fastest deployed mobile network ever. By the end of this year, the report says that there will be 218 million 5G subscriptions around the world, up from Ericsson’s …
Ericsson on Monday launched the latest edition of the Ericsson Mobility Report for November, 2020. According to the report, 5G will represent around 27 per cent of mobile subscriptions in India at the end of 2026, that is estimated at 350 million subscriptions. States Patrik Cerwall, Head of Strategic Marketing Insights and Editor of Ericsson Mobility Report in a statement …
The report suggests that four out of every ten mobile subscriptions in 2026 will be 5G. This has been published in the latest edition of the Ericsson Mobility report, which also predicts that four out of every ten mobile subscriptions in 2026 will be 5G. The report said that 5G has witnessed the fastest deployment of any generation of mobile …