The Uttar Pradesh Panchayat Election Results, touted as the semi-final of a high-stakes assembly election next year, have set the alarm bell ringing with dramatic swings. The candidates backed by the Samajwadi Party have surged ahead in 747 zila panchayat wards, while the Bharatiya Janata Party-backed candidates are ahead on 690 seats. The sources in the Samajwadi Party claim that …
A 65-year-old Pakistani woman, who had managed to become an interim head of a village panchayat in Jalesar police station area, was arrested on Saturday, police said. Bano Begum had become the interim head of Gadau village panchayat and was absconding since the registration of an FIR against her in January, Etah’s SSP Sunil Kumar Singh said. The FIR against …
An inquiry has been ordered after a 65-year-old Pakistani woman was found running the affairs of a village panchayat as its interim head in Etah district. Though Bano resigned from the post, the District Panchayat Raj Officer Alok Priyadarshi raised the matter with Etah District Magistrate Sukhlal Bharti, who ordered an FIR and a probe. She got an Aadhaar card …