Amid political tensions over the Sambhal clashes, violence erupted in Uttar Pradesh's Etah after a group of people opposed construction on a private plot claiming it to be Waqf property, officials said on Monday. Etah violence: What exactly happened The clash took place when some individuals, allegedly led by an accused named Rafiq, attempted to halt construction activities on a …
BJP SP Etah: In the 2014 Lok Sabha polls, Rajveer Singh from Bharatiya Janta Party won the elections by a margin of 201001 votes. The major contest is between Bharatiya Janata Party#s Rajveer Singh-MP and Samajwadi Party#s Devendra Yadav In the 2014 Lok Sabha polls, Bharatiya Janata Party won 71 out of the 80 parliamentary seat with 42.3 percent vote …