Mumbai: Leader of opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday attacked the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, saying that they were working round-the-clock to finish off the Constitution. BJP-RSS working round the clock to finish the Constitution: Rahul Gandhi “I can say with guarantee that prime minister Narendra Modi has not read the Constitution. The …
Drivers should be paying around 6p less for a litre of petrol, shaving the cost of filling up by more than £3, according to the RAC. If retailers played fair with drivers by passing on this wholesale saving and reduced their margins to 10p, the average prices of petrol would be just under 136p per litre including VAT - a …
A PIL has been moved before the Bombay High Court seeking directions qua black marketing, hoarding and profiteering of N95 masks in Maharashtra as well as to ensure sufficient availability of surgical masks and other masks at fair prices.The plea has been filed by Sucheta Dalal, a business journalist and Anjali Damania, an anti-corruption activist and states that even though …
The Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs on Wednesday authorized the States/ Union Territories to notify orders under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955, by relaxing the requirement of "prior concurrence" of the Central Government, up to June 30, 2020. Intimating the same, Union Home Secretary wrote to all the State Chief Secretaries, asking them to take urgent steps to ensure wide …