Controversial ‘journalist’ Ayyub’s anti-India rant has finally found some traction in the country as Barkha Dutt ‘Sheroes’ Ladeeda Farzana and Aysha Renna have decided to support her. However, Rana Ayyub’s death wishes were welcomed by Islamists as Jihad apologists like Aysha Renna and Ladeeda Farzana openly supported her. Soon, another Islamist Ladeeda Farzana, one of the two Barkha Dutt ‘Sheroes’, …
Ladeeda Sakaloon alias Ladeeda Farzana, one of the Jamia Millia Islamia ‘students’ who was hailed by controversial former anchor Barkha Dutt as a ‘shero’, has yet again come out in support of Shaheen Bagh mastermind Sharjeel Imam and has urged fellow Muslims of the country to openly express their Islamic identity. Even Sharjeel Imam was asserting his Islamic identity to …
Aysha Renna and Ladeeda Sakaloon alias Ladeeda Farzana, Jamia Millia Islamia students who was hailed by controversial journalist Barkha Dutt as ‘sheroes’, have now come out in support of Shaheen Bagh mastermind Sharjeel Imam. Read: Radical Islamists say Muslims must stand by Shaheen Bagh mastermind Sharjeel Imam, defend his decision to cut off Assam Further, watering down Imam’s seditious remarks …
Controversial journalist Barkha Dutt, a respected member of the media fraternity who has been accused of undermining India’s national security during the Kargil War, met two protesting female students of Jamia Milia Islamia in an obvious attempt to whitewash the violence that was unleashed by Muslim mobs. I meet Ladeeda Farzana & Ayesha Renna, sheroes of Jamia & Shaheen whom …