Faxes are still being used to run the UK’s electricity grids, the Government’s energy systems operator has admitted. The outdated machines are being used by the National Energy System Operator, which is overseen by Ed Miliband, the Energy Secretary, to communicate with power producers and traders about generating capacity and prices. A Neso spokesman said: “We do have fax machines …
Dolly Parton and Miley Cyrus have always had a bond. Miley Cyrus’ fiery godmother, Dolly Parton, is her seventh cousin, once removed. Cyrus and Parton’s mutual ancestor, John Brickey, lived in Tennessee’s Blunt County not far from where Dollywood is today, Access Hollywood revealed. Parton said she wasn’t surprised, because Cyrus had always felt like family. She told W magazine …
Faxing remains alive and well, especially in Japan and Germany – and in major sectors of the US economy, such as health care and financial services. A March 2017 unscientific survey of 1,513 members of an online forum for information technology professionals found that 89 percent of them still sent faxes. The persistence of faxing – and the people who …