Days after Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar said that India should engage in dialogue with Pakistan as it possesses an atom bomb, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said the party only creates fear psychosis in the minds of people using the nuclear bomb threat, but people know that Pakistan’s nuclear bomb is not of good quality. Speaking at an …
Lok Sabha Elections 2024: Accusing the Congress of creating “fear psychosis” and resorting to spreading misinformation for “vote bank politics”, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said that the BJP government will never change the Constitution or end reservation. The Minister lambasted Congress for spreading "canards" that the BJP will change the Constitution if it returns to power and especially asserted that …
Tenzin Tsundue first came into spotlight in 2002, when he climbed the scaffolding outside the Mumbai hotel where erstwhile premier Zhu Rongji was staying, displaying a banner which read "Free Tibet: China, Get Out" and the Tibetan national flag. Speaking to Deccan Chronicle, the writer and activist dwells on the question of Tibet vis-à-vis the tense relationship between India and …
These elections were bitterly fought with candidates across parties carefully selected from the majority caste and religion. Every party tried to paint a rosy picture of its candidate from a particular caste or religion as politics was mixed with religion, a deadly combination, if not used wisely. The Constitutional provisions make India a ‘secular state’ on paper, but we must …