Tamil star Ajith Kumar, who was last seen on screen in Nerkonda Paarvai, on Tuesday announced a donation of Rs 1.25 crore towards the coronavirus relief fund. As per the actor’s publicist, Ajith has donated Rs 50 lakh each towards Prime Minister’s fund and Tamil Nadu CM’s fund while another Rs 25 lakh has gone towards the welfare of Film …
As coronavirus cases rise with each passing day, help is pouring in from all celebrities. Actor Rajinikanth has donated Rs 50 lakh for Film Employees Federation of South India. With the cancellation of all productions and shootings till 31 March, the film industry workers will be hit the worst, as they earn wages on a daily basis. It asked celebrities …
Superstar Rajinikanth has donated Rs 50 lakh for the wellbeing of daily wage workers of South Indian film industry in the time of complete shutdown owing to the coronavirus pandemic, according to reports. Several other top star of southern cinema including Suriya, Karthi and Vijay Sethupati, besides many filmmakers have pitched in, too. Given the recent outbreak of COVID-19, theatres …