Kavanagh, who arrived in Bengaluru on 7 July to work with the Indian men’s team, will now pass on his tips and experiences to the women’s side during the special camp, starting Monday. New Delhi: Two-time World Cup winner Fergus Kavanagh of Australia will conduct a special seven-day defenders camp for the senior Indian women’s hockey team in Bengaluru. The …
Two-time World Cup winner Fergus Kavanagh of Australia will conduct a special seven-day defenders camp for the senior Indian women’s hockey team in Bengaluru. Kavanagh, who arrived in Bengaluru on July 7 to work with the Indian men’s team, will now pass on his tips and experiences to the women’s side during the special camp, starting Monday. The players identified …
Two-time World Cup-winning Australian hockey player, Fergus Kavanagh has been roped in to conduct a seven-day camp with Indian defenders at the Sports Authority of India centre in Bengaluru. Speaking of this initiative, India’s chief coach Graham Reid said, “As a group we are really looking forward to this camp as we get to address some of the ongoing focus …