The 2023-24 Delhi Budget was sent for the Union ministry of home affairs ’s approval as per regular practice on March 10, the ruling Aam Aadmi Party has said. The AAP accused the chief secretary of “sitting” on the file related to it and not passing on MHA’s request for clarifications for three days until 2pm on Monday. Subsequently, he …
Highlights Delhi Min Gopal Rai did not speak truth about rollout date of Red Light On, Gaadi Off campaign AAP did so to coerce the L-G into taking a decision, said L-G office sources Rai had claimed that file on the campaign was sent to Lt Governor VK Saxena on Oct 21 Red Light On, Gaadi Off campaign: Delhi Environment …
Fourteen months after it declared that Balwant Singh Rajoana will not hang in former Punjab chief minister Beant Singh’s assassination case, the central government has revealed in the Supreme Court that the papers related to the commuting of the sentence are yet to be placed before the President of India. Additional solicitor general KM Nataraj informed a top court bench, …