Amid the measures announced to regulate film-related activities, Tamil Film Producers’ Council has refuted the statements made by actor and Nadigar Sangam’s treasurer Karthi Sivakumar on having received “no written complaints” against actor Dhanush, who has been accused of not honouring his commitments after receiving an advance from producers. A few days ago, Mr. Karthi said that all decisions pertaining …
KOCHI Actor Shane Nigam has denied allegations of lack of professionalism raised against him by Sophia Paul, producer of the movie RDX, in his letter written to the Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes. The representatives of various organisations in the Malayalam film industry had announced on April 25 that they would not cooperate with him and actor Sreenath Bhasi, alleging …
Norman Lloyd, whose role as kindly Dr Daniel Auschlander on TV’s St. Norman Lloyd poses before a 50th anniversary screening of the film The Sound of Music at the opening night gala of the TCM Classic Film Festival on March 26, 2015, in Los Angeles. “If modern film history has a voice, it is Norman Lloyd’s,” reviewer Kenneth Turan wrote …
The Multiplex of Association of India in a series of tweets wrote that cinema halls which have remained shut since the coronavirus-induced lockdown, deserved a chance to operate, especially if aviation, metro, malls, wellness and restaurants have been allowed to resume. Several Bollywood producers, actors along with the Multiplex Association of India on Sunday, 31 August, urged the Centre to …
All India Cine Workers Association has written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi demanding a complete shut down on issuing any Visa to Pakistani actors, Film Association and media fraternity. In regards with Pakistan's decision to ban the release of any Indian movie or content in their country, the AICWA, in a letter dated February 26, said, "We AICWA …