RR Kabel IPO opens for subscription today, and will close on Friday, September 15. In the RR Kabel IPO, the company has reserved ₹10.8 crore worth shares for its employees. RR Kabel IPO's floor price is 196.60 times and the cap price is 207.00 times the face value of the equity shares. RR Kabel IPO details At the upper end …
Polycab India Ltd’s shares touched a new 52-week high of ₹3,415 apiece on Tuesday on the National Stock Exchange. “In a media appearance post-results, management guided a sharp increase in A&P spending to 2-3 times the levels of FY23," said analysts at Kotak Institutional Equities in a report on 15 May. Polycab’s overall Ebitda margin for FY23 rose by 276 …