In yet another startling revelation, the embattled Amrapali Group gave away flats and penthouses as fees to lawyers representing it at various judicial forums, forensic auditors informed the Supreme Court on Thursday. Hearing a batch of home buyers' petitions, a bench of Justices Arun Mishra and U U Lalit ordered all the directors of Jotindra Steel and Tubes Ltd, a …
Indian cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni has moved the Supreme Court seeking protection of his ownership rights on an over 5,500-square feet penthouse he booked 10 year ago in a project of embattled Amrapali Group.Dhoni filed an application in the court through his lawyer, after receiving a notice from apex court-appointed forensic auditors seeking clarification on certain aspects of the. Indian …
New Delhi, Oct 31 The Chief Financial Officer of the embattled Amrapali Group gets a monthly salary of Rs 50,000 a month but a sister company of the realty firm has paid Rs 2 crore as his income tax, the forensic auditors told the Supreme Court Wednesday. The top court was told that the Amrapali Group has even given a …
The Supreme Court Tuesday sent three directors of the Amrapali group to police custody, directing them to hand over all the documents of the 46 group companies to forensic auditors.A bench of Justices Arun Mishra and U U Lalit took exception to the Amprapali group not handing over all the documents to forensic auditors and said that they will remain …