An elephant who has become a cause celebre for animal rights activists around the world will be allowed to leave his Pakistani zoo and transferred to better conditions, the animal welfare group helping with the case said on Saturday. Martin Bauer, a spokesman for Four Paws, said the elephant has been finally given medical approval to travel, most likely to …
An elephant who has become a cause celebration for animal rights activists around the world will be allowed to leave his Pakistani zoo and transferred to better conditions, the animal welfare group helping with the case said Saturday. Martin Bauer, a spokesman for Four Paws, said the elephant has been finally given medical approval to travel, most likely to Cambodia, …
A veterinarian from the animal welfare organization Four Paws offers comfort to Kaavan the elephant before examining him at the Maragzar Zoo in Islamabad, Pakistan, on Friday. An elephant who has become a cause celebre for animal rights activists around the world will be allowed to leave his Pakistani zoo and be transferred to better conditions, the animal welfare group …