Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on November 21 promised to introduce a free pilgrimage scheme for people of different communities in Uttarakhand if the Aam Aadmi Party comes to power in the State. Under the free pilgrimage scheme, Hindus will be sent to Ayodhya, Muslims to Ajmer Sharif and the Sikhs to Kartarpur Sahib, he announced at a press conference …
Highlights Free pilgrimage scheme for people of Uttarakhand if voted to power: Arvind Kejriwal Hindus will be sent to Ayodhya, Muslims to Ajmer Sharif and Sikhs to Kartarpur Sahib, Kejriwal said Arvind Kejriwal said, AAP is the first party to focus on problems faced by common people Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday promised to introduce a free pilgrimage …