The Bombay High Court recently ordered the Secretary of Health, Government of Maharashtra, and the Commissioner of Police, Thane to take legal action against a medical officer for gross negligence in conducting the postmortem of a deceased in a murder case. “The Secretary, Health, Government of Maharashtra as well as Commissioner of Police Thane are directed to take cognizance of …
The cause of the death will be known after reports of chemical analysis of the viscera and histopathology tests, a police official said Mumbai: The autopsy report of actor Sidharth Shukla, who died at the age of 40, does not mention the exact cause of death, police sources said on Friday. The cause of the death will be known after …
Special Judge Ajay Kumar Kuhar at Rouse Avenue Court has dismissed Shashi Tharoor's plea seeking a copy of tweets posted by Sunanda Pushkar moments before her death. In the proceedings before Special CBI Judge, Tharoor's counsel Vikas Pahwa had argued that no evidence or reports have been put on record to prove the actual cause of Sunanda Pushkar's death. Vikas …