The Kerala High Court on Tuesday, while dismissing two Writ Petitions, observed that Section 191 of Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 is an efficacious, alternate statutory remedy against any resolutions or decisions taken by the panchayat.Section 191 of the KPR Act deals with the power of cancellation and suspension of resolutions etc. The Kerala High Court on Tuesday, while dismissing …
Mismanagement rather than declining water resources is the main reason for the water crisis in Ladakh’s Leh town. “Locals have problems with using flush water toilets since they are used to the traditional dry compost toilets,” said Urgain Dolker, a local Ladakhi. Leh’s district panchayat officer Zakir Hussain said dry compost toilets were included in the Swachh Bharat programme as …