The Japanese animated film Look Back held its premiere in Beijing on Friday, with the cinema decorated to re-create an iconic scene from the movie. With its poignant storytelling and beautiful visuals, the animated film Look Back has emerged as the top-grossing Japanese film in the Chinese mainland market over the past weekend. As of Monday, under the direction of …
Just over a year ago, a space capsule carrying a very special cargo streaked across the sky and touched down in the South Australian outback. Key points: The Japanese Hayabusa2 mission is the first to bring a sample of dust and pebbles back to Earth from a carbon-rich asteroid The sample indicates Ryugu is very similar to the rarest type …
Seven words that can help us to be a little calmer Alamy A new book translates 43 different Japanese words into English, introducing ideas that can help people in the West live differently. Thinking about the way my grandparents were, and the traditional way of Japanese life, I thought we could stop and look around and accept the things that …